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lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Se7en - Genre

Definition of "genre" and "Fin de Siecle" by the dictionary:

Definition of GENRE

Genre: "A category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content"

Se7en contains horror and neo-noir things. The type of genre can be a horror, suspense, detective-police film, a lot of murders and a lot of evidence to prove this. Is a detective thriller, is very complete, and give different senses when we analyze the movie by characters, settings, sound, etc. Types of film-noir exist here. The movie moves along the seven deadly sins, gluttony, envy, lust, pride, sloth, greed and wrath. The horror and the suspense exist here in a great number of sadistic murders, investigate by two police detectives, one called  David Mills (Pitt) and the other William Somerset (Freeman), the noir elements we can see it along the movie, the lighting, setting that the movie use.


Definition of FIN DE SIÈCLE

Fin de Siecle: "Of, relating to, or characteristic of the close of the 19th century and especially its literary and artistic climate of sophistication, world-weariness, and fashionable despair"
The movie it takes part along an unidentified city, a lot of raining and urban decay. The different type of characters analyzing them, how different they are.

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