Film chosen: The 3rd one is the short that I like.
I think that in this short was really a good representation of the person that was like down the effects of the alcohol or maybe drugs, we really don´t know. The presentation of the other people was really an effective way to represent it and I really like it. The man that was like shocked in the end because of the things that he do and he don’t have notion about it. The ambient sound in the movie was amazing, produce that the effects on the movie were better and you have interest in the movie. Suspense also was a good characteristic. The genre of this movie we can classify in suspense and in some parts in fear, but I think that suspense can be good. The movie gives different impressions. First I was amazed because of the effects of the movie and how were represent the other persons, after this you can or may start suspecting that something rare is passing to the person and can be cause of alcohol, drugs, tired, etc. Finally in a conclusion, when you see that he enters to his house and see al like that and kill his family (we suppose) he don’t know what to do when police enter to his house to fetch he, because this men may go to jail. The different camera angle, were also really good when they represent like the murdered people and in different parts of the movie. The form of the movie was really good, the history that it have, it really have a good skeleton, the place were the history is told, is a really good election.
In conclusion, was really a good movie, with good effects, good representation of the people that appear in the movie and how the men see it. Is like a mix with a real movie but with that actions. The ambient sound was amazing, do really that the movie was interesting. The cinematographer of this movie was really good, that we can see it on the illumination of the movie and of the different angles of cameras. Personally I like this movie because of that points, I thinks is a good short because all the different causes that I mention.